Thank you
Thanks For Purchasing the Shortcode Cleaner Plugin.
The minimum requirements:
- WordPress: 4.6+
- PHP: 5.6+
We highly recommend running the latest version of WordPress. Make sure that your server meets the minimum requirements to run WordPress as well.
All licenses on the Envato Market sites are for a single use. If you are going to use Shortcode Cleaner on one domain, or multiple subdomains, you will only require one License. If you are going to use Shortcode Cleaner on multiple domains, then you will need to purchase a separate License for each domain.
Get started
The first thing you will need to do to get started will be to download the plugin zip file from CodeCanyon.
See this video:
And read this: How To Download Your Items
- Log in to the CodeCanyon site using the username and password that you used to purchase the Shortcode Cleaner plugin.
- After that click your username in the top right and click the link to your downloads page
- From your downloads page scroll down to locate the Shortcode Cleaner plugin and click the download button, then select All files & documentation
- Congratulations. You now have a shiny new copy of Shortcode Cleaner plugin.
- You should now have a file that looks something like this
- In order to get at the content inside you will need to unzip this file.
Zip Contents
Once you have unzipped the Shortcode Cleaner zip file you will find the following folders have been created.
The documentation folder includes an offline copy of these documents for you to reference. We are mainly interested in the file. This is the WordPress plugin that we will be installing in the next section.
Installing the plugin
After you have downloaded and unzipped your purchase from CodeCanyon you will now need to install it on your WordPress system.
- Log in to your WordPress admin panel
- Click on the Plugins menu item on the left side menu
- Click Add New

- At the top of the page you will see an Upload Plugin button, click that
- Next click Choose file button in the box that appears below

- Select the file you downloaded from CodeCanyon
- When the zip file has finished uploading click the Activate Plugin button
- That's all. You will now see new menu link Cleaner in your admin panel

After click on Cleaner menu link, you will see Shortcode Cleaner Dashboard

Updating the plugin
We recommend that you use the Envato Market plugin to keep the plugin up-to-date.
See this video:
- Download the Envato Market plugin from here.
- Install the plugin from Plugins->Add New.
- Once installed, you should see an Envato Market menu on the admin sidebar. Click on it.
- Enter your Envato API Personal Token in the Token field. If you don't have an API token you can create one here or click on the generate a personal token link on that page.
- Once you have pasted your token in the Token field, click on Save Changes.
- Should your token be correct, two extra tabs are now available on your Envato Market page. Click on the Plugins tab.
- If an update is available for the Shortcode Cleaner Plugin, click on the Update Available link, which should start installing your update.
After activated the plugin the Cleaner will working automatically.
Shortcode Cleaner Introduction:
The Cleaner automatically clean your content without any click, just activate it and will just hide any broken shotcodes within any frontend site content without removing.

In normal just after you activate the Cleaner, it will clean your content automatically without any click, but we offer more control and settings for you.

Cleaner have dashboard reports to know everything about the broken shortcodes like numbers, names and historical data of it.
- Cleaner Status show you number of broken shortcodes.
- Cleaner History show you data of broken shortcodes numbers per month.
- List of all broken shortcodes and where its found in.

Check where broken shortcodes found in
You can see broken shortcodes list and know where exact found in post, page..etc and also the places found in for exact post, page .. like content, title, excerpt, or in widgets, settings, menus, so you can view or edit it.

- Posts, pages, custom post types [ content, excerpt, title, metaboxs ].
- Sidebars widgets [ title, content ].
- Menu Links and Settings Options.
Admin Bar
Broken shortcodes status in Admin Bar

Cleaner automatically show you number and names of unused broken shortcodes for each page, which maybe found in the content, the title, menu links and widgets.
- Posts, pages, custom post types [ content, excerpt, title, metaboxs ].
- Sidebars widgets [ title, content ].
- Menu Links and Settings Options.
General settings

In normal just after you activate the Cleaner, it will clean your content automatically without any click, but we offer more control here:
- Enable or disable Cleaner in each frontend or backend site.
- Ignore any broken Shortcodes from Cleaning.
- Show broken Shortcodes within this HTML code tags.
- Force any active used Shortcodes to be unused and broken.
- Clean any content within unused broken shortcodes.
- Show broken Shortcodes Status in Admin Bar.
- Clean exact broken Shortcodes Content.
- and more..
Advanced settings

We offer advanced settings for developers or for you if you know what you can do with this settings, whihc have WordPress content filters for frontend and backend also, and you can add new custom filters from any plugin or theme or from WordPress itself.
You can export your Cleaner settings and also import it, so you can easy copy any settings between sites.

Have any questions? Something is not clear enough? Do not hesitate to contact us via support platform. We reply on all questions as soon as possible!
We would love to hear your feedback. Tell us what features you want. Many thanks for your valuable feedback!
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